HIQUE ‼" by Haruichi Furudate, a sports manga series serialized in Shueisha's "Weekly Shonen Jump" magazine since February 2012, has gained popularity for the passionate adolescent drama of high school students who devote themselves to volleyball. Since 2014, a TV animation series has been broadcast on Mainichi Broadcasting System and TBS, and the fourth season of the series, "HIQUE ‼ TO THE TOP," will be produced by December 2020. The popularity of the series has continued to grow since the announcement of the final film version of the series on August 13, 2022, and it continues to create a movement.

Haikyuu‼: The Movie" was released in theaters nationwide on February 16 (Friday) and finally surpassed 10 billion yen at the box office on April 30 (Tuesday). The anime collaboration music video for the theme song "Orange" by SPYAIR has now been released!

The song "Orange" was written especially for this work, and even now, three months after its release, it continues to rank high on various music distribution services, creating a buzz.

The release of the anime music video for SPYAIR's "Orange," the theme song of the film, has now been unveiled.

The powerful and emotional theme song "Orange", which is played after the heated match between Hyuga and Grinding, Karasuno and Otokoma, has become a topic of conversation as it brings even more emotion to the end roll. I even went to hear the ending chorus of "Orange". The theme song "Orange" and many famous scenes from the film are interspersed in this music video, which is sure to move anyone who has watched "Dumping Ground Battle" at least once.

We hope that you will watch this music video and immerse yourself in the afterglow of this heated battle for "just one more second, just one more second.

Release Information
EP "Orange
February 14, 2024 (Wednesday)