NakamuraEmi's new album "KICKS" is released today! A special interview with NakamuraEmi and producer Hiroshi Kawamura is now available!
NakamuraEmi's seventh major original album "KICKS" was released today. (Link for distribution of "KICKS" songs)https://nakamuraemi.lnk.to/KICKS)
To celebrate the release of the album, a special interview with NakamuraEmi and producer Kawamura Hiroshi has been posted on Nippon Columbia's official website. (Japanese only)https://columbia.jp/nakamuraemi/kicks/)
A digest video of the interview was also released on NakamuraEmi's official YouTube channel.
The interview includes a full account of the changes in their activities since the release of their last album, how they came up with the title "KICKS," the secret story behind the creation of the collaboration songs, and their future outlook. We hope that you will listen to "KICKS" after checking out the interview.
An Instagram campaign was also launched to celebrate the album's release. The title "KICKS" means "kicking off" or "moving forward" as well as "sneakers," so five people who post a photo of their favorite sneakers on their Instagram feed, story, or reel with a song from the album attached will win a pair of sneakers with a hand-drawn illustration by NakamuraEmi herself. The sneakers will be hand-illustrated by NakamuraEmi herself, so we hope you will participate in this event as well.
Instagram Campaign to Commemorate the Release of "KICKS"].
Five lucky winners will receive a pair of NakamuraEmi's hand-drawn illustrated sneakers by posting a photo or video of your favorite sneakers on your Instagram feed, story or reel with the music stamp of the song "Light Up" along with your thoughts on the album. Please show us your best "KICKS"! We are also looking forward to your comments on the album!
(i)Follow the official account of NakamuraEmi (@nou.emi) on Instagram.
(2)Post a photo or video of your favorite sneakers with the soundtrack to "Light it Up" and the hashtag "#NakamuraEmiKICKS" on your feed, reel, or Stories.
For feed submissions: In the "Add Music" section of the "New Submission" screen, add the sound source for "Light a Fire" and then enter #NakamuraEmiKICKS in the caption.
Reel Submission: In the "Music" section of the submission screen, add the sound source for "Light a Fire" and then enter #NakamuraEmiKICKS in the caption.
Stories: On the edit screen, add a music stamp, select "Light a Fire" and enter the text #NakamuraEmiKICKS.
*For posting to Instagram Stories, please mentions NakamuraEmi's account and highlight the corresponding Stories.
'good work' (equiv. of silver star awarded to children at school)Campaign Period: May 29 (Wed) - June 16 (Sun) 23:59

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