Frederick has announced the distribution and release of a new song, "Happiness," on Saturday, September 7.

The new song "Happiness" has already been performed live at this year's summer festival, and a short soundtrack for SNS has been distributed in advance, but it will officially be released on September 7. The cover photo was also taken by Koji Mihara.

In addition, Pre Add/Pre Save/Pre Order, a service that automatically adds the song to your service's library on the day the distribution starts, is now available. Radio airplay also started today. Request "Happiness" to your local radio station to check out the song.

Frederick is currently performing at summer festivals, and starting in September, he will hold a three-month series of "UMIMOYASU 2024 MOVE" at Zepp Haneda (TOKYO), with go!go!vanillas on September 22 (Sunday), Perfume on October 20 (Sunday), and THE ORAL CIGARETTES on November 30 (Saturday). Perfume will perform on October 20 (Sun), and THE ORAL CIGARETTES will perform on November 30 (Sat). In addition, "FREDERHYTHM ARENA 2025" is scheduled to be held on February 11, 2025 (Tuesday, national holiday) at World Kinen Hall in Kobe and on February 24 (Monday, holiday) at Nippon Budokan in Tokyo.

<New release information

2024.09.07 Digital Release "Happiness
Short soundtracks for SNS are now being distributed in advance.

<Live information

umimoyasu 2024 move There will be a band performance.

Sunday, September 22 "UMIMOYASU 2024 MOVE -MOVE ON
Tokyo Zepp Haneda(TOKYO) w/ go!go!vanillas

Sunday, October 20, "UMIMOYASU 2024 MOVE -MAKE A MOVE
Tokyo Zepp Haneda(TOKYO) w/ Perfume

Saturday, November 30, "UMIMOYASU 2024 MOVE -MOVE OUT