Space Battleship Yamato" is a brilliant masterpiece in the history of anime, celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. To commemorate the 50th anniversary, "Symphonic Suite Space Battleship Yamato 2024mix," a re-mix of the milestone anime soundtrack "Symphonic Suite Space Battleship Yamato" (released on December 25, 1977), released by Nippon Columbia at the time, will be released on December 25, 2024. The "Symphonic Suite Space Battleship Yamato 2024 mix" will be released on December 25, 2024.

This time, the jacket is also reconstructed from the same materials as the sound source.
The digital data scanned from the original was retouched to bring back to life the vivid colors of the time, similar to the process of restoring a painting, and a design was applied to the background universe to create a sense of depth. The title logo of the work "Symphonic Suite Yamato 2024 mix" was placed on the background space to create a sense of depth.
You can also enjoy the jacket, which is more brilliant than it was at the time, along with the sound.

Symphonic Suite Space Battleship Yamato 2024mix / Yasushi Miyagawa

December 25, 2024 Release
CD] COCX-42417 ¥ 3,300 (tax included)
LP Limited First Edition] COJX-9527 ¥4,400 (tax included)
96kHz/24bit Hi-Res] COKM₋45415

<Recorded music
01. overture 2024mix <LP sideA.01
02. birth (THE BIRTH) 2024mix <LP sideA.02
03. sashia 2024mix <lp sideA.03
04. trial (TRIAL) 2024mix <LP sideA.04
05. departure (take off) 2024mix <LP sideA.05
06. reminiscence 2024mix <LP sideA.06
07. bright red scarf (SCARLET SCARF) 2024mix <LP sideB.01
08. decisive battle - challenge = sortie = victory (DECISIVE BATTLE - CHALLENGE = SALLY = VICTORY) 2024mix <LP sideB.02>
09. iskandar 2024mix <LP sideB.03
10. reminiscence (RECOLLECTION) 2024mix <LP sideB.04
11. hope for tomorrow ~dream, romance, adventure~ (hope for tomorrow ~dream, romance, adventure~) 2024mix <LP sideB.05
12. stasha 2024mix <LP sideB.06

© Voyager Music Publishing ©Tohokushinsha / General Supervisor of Copyright Shoji Nishizaki

<Buyer Benefits
Common benefits
For both CD and LP: B2 size poster

CD: Mega Jacket
LP: A3 size poster

*Bonus posters are all designed above.
The offer will end as soon as it runs out.

Nippon Columbia official page