Otaku-chanzu," a short animation series that depicts the "otaku-kaikatsu" or "guess-the-activities" of otaku, is now selling "guess-the-activities support goods for otaku by otaku" to rave reviews!
Otakuchans", which distributes short animations mainly on TikTok, has added a new item to its official online shopping site, "Guessing Support Goods by Otaku for Otaku": "Wear it around your neck to appeal to your friends! Silver Tape Cover" has been added.
Otakuchanzu" is a short animation series about two cute cats who use otaku jokes to help people who enjoy "otaku activities" and "guess activities". The short anime is designed to be a companion for those who enjoy "Otaku-ikatsu" or "Myushikatsu" with their cute cats' stories of "Otaku-ikatsu". Currently, the official TikTok has more than 20,000 followers, and the total number of views has exceeded 10 million! It has gained a strong following mainly among idol and anime fans.
Otakuchanz" is currently offering "Guessing Activity Support Goods by Otaku for Otaku," such as cases that make it easy to "decorate" your precious "Guess Card" and "silver tape straps" that allow you to carry around your silver tape.
The new "Silver Tape Cover" can be worn around the neck! Like the "Silver Tape Strap," the "Silver Tape Cover" is a must-have item for otaku and "guess activity," as it allows you to carry your precious silver tape with you and hang it from your neck without having to cut it, thus "differentiating yourself from other otaku.
Product Summary
◆Additional Items
Wear it around your neck to show off! Silver tape cover 1,320 yen (tax included)
◆Sales are underway to rave reviews.
Easy to decorate your guess cards! Hard case 528 yen (tax included)
Protect your guess canba! Rust prevention sheet 495 yen (tax included)
You have to carry it with you! Silver tape strap 1,210 yen (tax included)
Fixation on the pain ba..! Nui Belt 429 yen (tax included)
◆Otaku-chan's Official Shop
What is "Otaku-chan's"?
Two cats who enjoy "otaku-activities" by chasing after idols are known as "Otakuchan-zu.
Sometimes they are happy because their favorite bijuu has won the championship, and other times there is an incident that breaks out due to a dispute between fans...? Otakuchanzu" is a short animation about the joys, sorrows, and happiness of two otaku cats who accompany people who enjoy "otaku-kaikatsu" or "guesser-kaikatsu" in their daily lives. For all of mankind, including those who are currently engaged in "otaku-kaikatsu" and "suessi-katsu" as well as those who do not have a "suessi-katsu" at the moment! Otakus" encourage all mankind to engage in the "guess life"!
◆Official TikTok account
Updated every Monday, Wednesday and Friday
◆Official website