MOVIE # Spring and Hikoi # Star Wars

What he likes] Haru, Hikoi, Tetsuro Tsuchioka and movies. 1,200 movie reviews written without showing them to anyone.

In this program, we ask a variety of celebrities about their "favorite things to do. In this fourth installment, we will talk about "movies" with Tetsuro Tsuchioka of the comedy duo "Haru to Hikoki. Mr. Tsuchioka, who brought a lot of movie goods for the filming, talked about the 1,200 movie reviews he has been drawing for 13 years without showing them to anyone, as well as his childhood encounters with movies. I saw you transcribe the reviews you have written in Excel onto filmarks on your Youtube channel, "Talking about movies, Dogachaga". I have not been able to transcribe all of them yet... I have written some things that would be hard to publish as they are (laughs). 1200 reviews, and I am updating it as I add new reviews of movies that I have seen. Q: 1,200 movies? What made you start recording your impressions of movies? I guess it was when I went to college. I have loved movies since I was in junior high school, so I decided that if I could decide how to spend my time living alone, I would spend a lot of time watching movies. I also wanted to keep track of how many movies I had seen. I wanted to count how many movies I had seen at the same time...
LIFESTYLE # Fukuzawa, Yu. # Photo Gallery # Musical # Las Vegas

Interview with Yu Fukuzawa in commemoration of publication of his first photo book "You&".

Yu Fukuzawa, a multi-talented actor, artist, and creator, will release his first photo book "You &" on Wednesday, July 3, 2024. We had a special interview with him about the contents of the book, which was shot on location in Tokyo and Las Vegas, as well as behind-the-scenes stories from the shoot. We heard that this photo book was shot in Las Vegas. You shot in a variety of locations, including hotels, in the city, and in cars. I went to Las Vegas for the first time in my life. Las Vegas is a city that "looks good" no matter where you take pictures. So I decided in advance to take pictures in certain locations, and sometimes I would say to the photographer as we moved around, "Let's take some pictures here. Or we would find a wallpaper and say, "Hey, I like this wallpaper. Q: Some of the scenes look like you are dancing. That was actually dancing. But it was more like "Let's dance! I didn't really decide to dance, but rather it felt nice and cool after the rain. The cameraman said to me, "Try a little movement there," and "That looks good," and I just went with it. Q: I think this is a good cut that gives a sense of dynamism...
FASHION # Actor # Glasses # Vintage # NAKAO, Nobuki

What he likes] Actor Nobuki Nakao and vintage glasses. The history of the objects and the years that go along with them, as they unfold their individual backgrou

In this project, we ask various actors what their "favorite things" are. In this third installment, we will talk about actor Nobuki Nakao and "vintage glasses". Mr. Nakao brought four pairs of glasses for the shoot. Wearing each pair naturally, he talked about his encounter with vintage glasses and their charms.
LIFESTYLE # Actor # That person's favorite thing to do # Keisuke Higashi # Camera

What he likes] Actor Keisuke Higashi and his camera. He lives with his camera, shuttling back and forth between being on the filming side and the filmed side.

In this program, we ask various actors what their "favorite thing to do" is. In this second installment, we will talk about actor Keisuke Higashi and his "camera. In Ebisu in the early morning, we visited Osawa Camera, a long-established camera store that opened in 1940.
In this program, we ask various actors and TV personalities what their "favorite thing to do" is. The fourth installment features Mr. Tsuchioka of the comedy duo "Haru to Hikoki!


MUSIC #iri #スカイキャッスル

iri sings first terrestrial TV drama theme song. New song "Swamp" will be the theme song for the drama "Sky Castle".

iriの新曲「Swamp」がドラマ『スカイキャッスル』主題歌に決定した。 ドラマ『スカイキャッスル』は、世にも優雅な佇まいとは裏腹に燃えたぎる野心、猛烈な見栄とプライド、そして…誰にも言えない《秘密》を抱えた、美しきセレブ妻たちのドロ沼マウントバトルを描く《沼落ち確定の衝撃作》。本作では主演・松下奈緒、木村文乃、比嘉愛未、高橋メアリージュン、小雪――豪華女性キャスト5人が一堂に集結! 《謎多き事故》をきっかけに、最高にスリリングな急展開が次々と押し寄せる《予測不能なギラギラ・ドロドロの“ギラドロ”サスペンスミステリー》が本日7月25日(木)、ついに開幕した。iriが地上波ドラマの主題歌を手掛けるのは今回が初となる。 「Swamp」はiriが原作を視聴し今回のタイアップのために書き下ろした楽曲となっており、iriの代表曲でもある「Wonderland」のサウンドプロデューサー、ESME MORI(エズミ・モリ)とタッグを組んで制作。ドラマの世界観ともあわせてこの曲に「沼って」欲しいという思いの元に、このタイトルがつけられた。弦とディストーションギターのイントロが印象的な、iriとしては新...

Three-piece rock band YUTORI-SEDAI releases music video for new song "I fell in love with you"!

Z世代を中心に話題沸騰中の3ピースロックバンドYUTORI-SEDAIが約3ヶ月ぶりとなる新曲「恋しちゃったんだ」を配信リリースし、Music Videoを公開した。 今作の「恋しちゃったんだ」は「恋をする」のではなく、「恋しちゃったんだ」という”進んではいけない恋かもしれない”と分かっていても止められない感情を表した楽曲。好きだからこそ歪んでしまう想いや、不安やネガティブな心情の世界観を歌詞で、恋をしている時の感情の起伏を疾走感あふれるサウンドで表現している。 ジャケットにも起用した、TikTokでも話題になっている北野りおがMusic Videoにも出演。メンバーも出演し、曲調にピッタリな少しミステリアスな雰囲気のMusic Videoになっており、今までのYUTORI-SEDAIとは異なる新鮮な姿を見せている。 7月28日(日)にはゲストにanewhiteを迎えて、YUTORI-SEDAI主催では約1年ぶりとなる対バンライブ、新曲「恋しちゃったんだ」リリース記念ライブ「YUTORI-SEDAI pre. Release Party!!」を東京・渋谷TOKI...
EVENT #舞台『刀剣乱舞』 # sword ste.

Two new titles of the stage "Sword Dance" will be performed in 2025!

2024年7月21日に福岡・キャナルシティ劇場にて上演された舞台『刀剣乱舞』心伝 つけたり奇譚の走馬灯の大千秋楽公演にて、2025年の刀ステ新作公演2タイトルの上演が発表されました。 2025年2月~3月に上演されるのは、刀ステシリーズ初となる短編連作集(オムニバス)、十口伝 あまねく刻の遥かへ。これまで脚本・演出を手掛けてきた末満健一は総監督として脚本と演出監修を務め、さらに元吉庸泰、竹村晋太朗、片岡百萬両の3名が末満とともに脚本を担い、演出は末満監修のもと元吉庸泰が務めます。さらに同年7月~8月には、原案ゲーム【特命調査 天保江戸】を題材にした「士伝 真贋見極める眼」の上演が決定!こちらはこれまで通り、脚本・演出を末満健一が務めます。また新たな試みとして、原案ゲームの設定に準じる形で水心子正秀部隊編入ver.と源清麿部隊編入ver.の2パターンでの上演を予定しております。(それぞれのver.で本編ストーリーに大きな違いはございません) 2025年の刀ステにもぜひご期待ください。 <公演概要> 舞台『刀剣乱舞』十口伝 あまねく刻の遥かへ 原案 「刀剣乱舞ONLINE」より(DMM G...
MUSIC #Wienners

Wienners announces Frederick and Kyusonekokami as guests for its autumn two man event in Tokyo and Osaka!

Wienners, an intergalactic punk band led by Tamaya 2060%, will hold a 2-man project "W Dutch 2024 -Wienners 2MAN SHOW-" at Quattro in Tokyo and Osaka in the fall. Frederic and Kyusonekokami will appear as guests at each venue! The Wienners' pairing project will lead you to the exciting dance floor with their unique upper punk and synth-based sound and live performance. With strong and unique guests, it is sure to be a special night. The second advance ticket order starts today, and the lottery will be held until 23:59 on 7/28 (Sun.). For more information, check Wienners official website ( Wienners "W Dutch 2024 -Wienners 2MAN SHOW-" September 26, 2024 (Thu) at Umeda CLUB QUATTRO w / Frederic October 2, 2024 (Wed) at Shibuya CLUB QUATTRO w / Kyusoneko-Kami URL: https://w.pia.j...
MUSIC # Ryugujo

Ryuguji to hold first solo show at Nippon Budokan

The group was born out of the school-style audition program "0-nen 0-gumi -Av-chan's Classroom-" (broadcast from January to April 2023), in which the vocalist Av-chan of Queen Bee serves as the producer and homeroom teacher to create a unique group, and in spring 2024 they successfully completed a Zepp tour. The "alternative song and dance troupe" Ryugujo has continued to evolve and awaken. Just one year after its formation, the group will hold its first solo performance at the Nippon Budokan on Saturday, February 22, 2025. There will be two performances, one in the daytime and one in the evening, each with a different program. We hope you will come and experience the absolute world view that no one else can match at the Budokan. In addition, the band will start its nationwide live tour "Ryu-Gujo LIVE TOUR "ULTRA SEAFOOD"" on July 22 (Mon.), and will release an EP "DEEP WAVE" at the tour venues only. The EP includes "DEEP WAVE," the title track, which represents a new frontier for the band, "SEAFOOD," which is the title track of the tour and is rapidly gaining popularity on TikTok, "Mr. FORTUNE (MIC relay ver.)" and "2 MUCH (A cappella ver.)," which have only been performed live, are included as bonus tracks. Included as bonus tracks...

ALBATROSS, which reached No. 1 on the Taiwan Daily Viral Chart, has released a new single!

ALBATROSS, a band from Nagoya, Japan, will release a new single "Tokyo River" on July 19. In 2023, ALBATROSS will be conducting "9 Chants," a project to release a series of singles over a period of nine months. In January 2024, they held a successful one-man live concert at Shibuya's Duo Music Exchange. ALBATROSS' first new melody in nine months is a gem of a masterpiece, depicting the theme of "Tokyo," a city where loneliness and bustle swirl like a spiral. The fast-paced groove, gorgeous strings, and dense and detailed ensemble colorfully depict the colorful world of "Tokyo," where various people's thoughts and dreams gather and intersect at high speed, with a piercing melody line. The band's ensemble has grown stronger and more resilient after a nine-month release project called "9 Chants," and the vivid melodies reflect a sense of shedding their skin....